Who is Future Ada?

We are a 501(c)3 non-profit based in Spokane, Washington who believes in empowering women, non-binary individuals and other underrepresented groups within STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics) fields.  We are named after Ada Lovelace, the famous mathematician and first computer programmer.

Our demographic includes all ages, all backgrounds, all levels of education, and a focus on genders that are not prominently represented in STEAM.  Through workshops, trainings, community outreach, and mentorship we believe we can build a strong and inclusive world for STEAM which will help turn these industries into ones diverse people will feel welcome to participate in.

Thank You and Farewell

In 2017, we founded Future Ada with a bold mission: to create a more diverse and inclusive space for women, minorities, and all people in science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM). Over the years, we grew into a vibrant community, hosting...

Hello World!

Hello beautiful world! We are Future Ada — a Spokane, Washington based 501(c)3 non-profit. We are named after Ada Lovelace, an English mathematician and writer, chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage’s proposed mechanical general-purpose computer. She is...
Future Ada at Women's March 2019


To create sustainable diverse and inclusive spaces for all people within STEAM.


Advocating for diversity and inclusion in STEAM via community education, outreach, and support networks so all people feel welcome and wanted in these exciting fields.


Imagination is the Discovering Faculty, pre-eminently. It is that which penetrates into the unseen worlds around us, the worlds of Science.”
Ada Lovelace


Inclusion | Diversity | Collaboration | Representation | Security | Creativity | Innovation | Empowerment